Israeli Siege on Gaza Hospital, Day 74 of War

by Rachel
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Critical Situation for a Hospital in the Gaza Strip After 74 Days of Conflict

In the contentious Gaza Strip, tensions continue to rise as the standoff between Palestine and Israel persists. Our evening reports bring you the latest developments of this crisis, which shows no signs of abating. From sharp statements and diplomatic strides to the tragic consequences of the clashes, here are the highlights of the day.

The Highlight Event

The Al-Ahli Arab hospital, also known as the Baptist Hospital, recently suffered assaults from the Israeli army. Located in the northern Gaza Strip, this medical facility was one of the few operational institutions before the incident. Arrests of doctors, nurses, and patients occurred following the military intervention, and part of the establishment was damaged, according to its director.

The director expressed total disarray, highlighting the facility’s now-impossibility to receive new patients or treat the injured. Four victims of Monday’s clashes, who were hospitalized within these walls, succumbed to their injuries the following day.

The facility had already experienced previous damage, notably following an explosion on October 17 within its premises, which according to Hamas authorities, caused over 400 casualties.

The Alarming Figure

Every day, 1 million youths in Gaza fear for their future as the humanitarian situation deteriorates. James Elder, a spokesperson for UNICEF, after a two-week mission in the region, openly criticized the indifference of the powerful to the plight of the children. In his remarks, he described Gaza as one of the most dangerous places in the world for a child.

He emphasized that Nasser, until recently, the largest standing hospital in Khan Younis, had been subject to bombardments. This facility served as a refuge for the many innocent victims of attacks, including women and children seeking safety.

The Significant Statement

The fight to deliver essential humanitarian aid to Gaza still faces nearly insurmountable obstacles, as reported by Tor Wennesland, the UN envoy for the Middle East. He viewed the recent limited actions by Israel to allow more aid into Gaza as positive but insufficient.

The Current Trend

The UN Security Council is constantly working to reach a consensus that would allow it to speak with one voice. By Tuesday evening, a vote is expected on a draft resolution calling for a “suspension” of hostilities. However, this vote could be deferred again, based on diplomatic sources’ reports. Earlier, a resolution promoting an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” was blocked by an American veto, despite the urgings of the current UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres.

The humanitarian and diplomatic stakes surrounding the Hamas-Israel conflict remain at the forefront of international concerns, as the world anxiously awaits a viable resolution for the grave dilemmas faced by the people of Palestine.

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