Rise in Foster Care Cases Hits Haute-Vienne

by lea
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Haute-Vienne Grapples with Surging Numbers of Children in Need of Care

The Haute-Vienne Department is facing a significant challenge in child protection as the number of youths taken into the Child Welfare Services (Aide Sociale à l'Enfance, ASE) is on the rise. In the past two years alone, nearly 100 additional children have been placed into care, bringing the total to 1,168. This surge has put substantial pressure on ASE, exacerbated by a shortage of active foster families in the area, currently numbering only 171.

Sharp Increase in Domestic Violence

Gulsen Yildirim, Vice President of the Haute-Vienne Departmental Council, links this marked increase to a rise in family violence cases.

Elevating the Role of Family Assistants

To address this critical situation, local authorities began a recruitment campaign in December 2023 to attract new family assistants, highlighting the reality that these caregiving professionals need to be available day and night, throughout the week. This initiative underscores the genuine need for recognition and an enhancement of the financial aspects of this demanding profession.

Urgent Measures to Support Foster Care

Consequently, the department is rallying to support family assistants by considering improvements to their working conditions, including enhanced rest rights and increased allowances. In light of the urgency, concrete actions have already been undertaken, such as expanding the capacity of the nursery in Isle, Haute-Vienne. Anticipating a continuous influx of children needing placement, departmental authorities are even planning the creation of a new facility in Limoges, which would offer around twenty additional spots.

The Child Welfare Services sector is crucial for the development and well-being of many children in Limousin, including Limoges. This region is currently managing the need to find stable homes for an increasing number of children against the backdrop of the family assistant role's lack of appeal. By revaluing this profession and supporting the involved professionals, Haute-Vienne aims to ensure the best possible care for these children, thereby providing them with the safety and affection they so profoundly need.

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