America and Multinational Forces: Securing Global Shipping or Israeli Vessels?

by Rachel
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Amidst the announcement by the United States of a plan to form a multinational force allegedly to ensure the security of global trade and navigation in the Red Sea, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Yemeni group "Ansar Allah" which controls northern Yemen, hastened to threaten targeting and striking US warships last Wednesday if Washington proceeds with bombing Yemen.

Al-Houthi affirmed that the Yemeni people will not back down from their principled, religious, and humanitarian stance in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. He clarified that his group's maneuvers are not targeting global navigation or international ships, but are exclusively aimed at Israeli and related vessels.

"Ansar Allah" has targeted several ships that did not comply with their decree and has recently begun to prevent all ships heading to Israeli ports regardless of their nationality, effectively paralyzing Israeli ports and their commercial activity. The group has set a formula: the passage of ships sailing to the Zionist entity is contingent on the cessation of aggression on the Gaza Strip and lifting the blockade imposed on it.

Prosperity or Malign Influence?

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced from Tel Aviv on Monday the creation of a multinational coalition to protect trade and freedom of international navigation in the "Red Sea," boasting that this coalition supports international law.

Austin either forgot or chose to ignore that international law is trampled by the occupation army, committing daily massacres aimed at annihilating the Palestinian people – war crimes abhorred by humanity, committed with the weapons and "protection" of the United States to prevent international criminal prosecution.

The US named the "multinational force" "Guardian of Prosperity," a misleading moniker. Soon, Americans will likely promote this force as an "international alliance," though it is far from international legitimacy and the United Nations' umbrella.

The coalition, or this US-led alliance, is not designed to secure global trade or guard prosperity. It is not expected to yield prosperity or solutions to crises but is anticipated to be a source of escalating conflict, destruction, and crisis complication wherever it is present. History with the Americans exemplifies this, with numerous previous experiences like Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, and Vietnam.

Protecting Israeli Commerce

It is well known that this multinational force aims to protect Israeli ships, goods, and commerce and secure their passage in the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. Thus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab countries refrained from joining it.

It wouldn't be surprising if the United States were to make this military move in compliance with pressures from the "fragile" Zionist entity, unable to confront "Ansar Allah" (Iran-backed) while mired in shame in the Gaza Strip.

American intelligence estimates conclude that Israel lacks the capability to triumph over Iran in any potential war if Israel were to strike "Ansar Allah" and Iran were to intervene to protect its interests in the Red Sea.

Seeking Dominance

The story's crux is that the "Zionist entity" always tries to lure the United States into waging war on Iran to destroy it, as the entity dreams and hopes. It appears that the entity found its predicament in preventing ships from sailing to its ports as a way to attract the United States into this confrontation, especially since Americans are enchanted by the arrogance of power and seek dominance and control over "waterways"—across the universe if possible—due to the trade advantages and competitiveness, as well as the military mobility in times of war.

Deterrence Power

The United States, with its multinational alliance, could indeed bomb areas under Houthi control. However, the group's leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, has vowed not to hesitate in targeting American warships.

"Ansar Allah" is supplied, Iran-backed, with various types of long-range missiles, implying that American warships and aircraft carriers are within reach of their missiles and drones.

It may not be easy, as these warships are certainly not easy targets. However, the concern here is that the "Ansar Allah" leadership, if they say they will act, indeed, they possess an iron will that allows them to strike American warships when necessary, even with suicide missions.

Undoubtedly, America is an unmatched military superpower in history, and the prestige and aura surrounding this power act as a deterrent in themselves. It is the duty of the stronger – America – to maintain this prestige and not provoke others, lest they dare to challenge it, especially those like "Ansar Allah," who view America as the "Great Satan," following the Iranian narrative.

A Spark That Could Ignite the Region

Many states and armed groups possess effective and mature weapons, but few possess the will to use them when necessary, and "Ansar Allah" is among these few, and therein lies the danger. The region could erupt in flames if a spark is ignited here or there.

In this context, a reminder that the Yemenis targeted the American destroyer USS Cole with a suicide attack off the port of Aden on October 12, 2000, which resulted in the death of 17 soldiers and injured 39 others, leading to allegations against Al-Qaeda's Yemen branch. The only option for America to protect the ships of the "Zionist entity" is to compel it to stop its aggression on the Gaza Strip and lift the siege; then, and at that very moment, "Ansar Allah" will cease pursuing the ships headed for Israel—so they have promised and decided.

The American-style "Guardian of Prosperity" is not a solution.

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