North Korea Tests Underwater Nuclear Weapons System

by Rachel
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Pyongyang announced today, Friday, that it has tested an “underwater nuclear weapons system” in response to joint maritime maneuvers conducted by Washington, Seoul, and Tokyo this week, according to the official North Korean news agency.

The North Korean Ministry of Defense stated in a release conveyed by the agency that these exercises “severely threatened the security” of North Korea.

Furthermore, the Ministry added that in response, Pyongyang conducted “an important test on its developing underwater nuclear weapons system, Hail-5-23.”

Tensions are rising on the Korean Peninsula amidst a series of missile tests, with Pyongyang’s endeavor to abandon a decades-long policy and change its relationship pattern with its southern neighbor.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called last Tuesday for the reclassification of [South Korea] in his country’s constitution as a separate and hostile state, warning that Pyongyang does not seek war but will not exclude this option.

Meanwhile, the President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, criticized the move and vowed to respond to provocations from Pyongyang with increased force.

Relations between the Koreas have deteriorated since Kim pledged to enhance his country’s status as a nuclear power and Pyongyang resumed its advanced intercontinental ballistic missile tests.

Pyongyang does not disclose the size of its nuclear warheads or ballistic missiles inventory, and this type of weaponry is not included in the military strength statistics of countries typically prepared by unofficial entities.

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