Many Advantages and Greater Opportunities: Why Arab Students Prefer Studying in China

by Rachel
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Beijing – In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of Arab students choosing to study in China. According to the data from the Ministry of Education of China, more than 15,000 Arab students were studying in China, but the number sharply declined during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the country’s closure for nearly 3 years.

According to a report on Sino-Arab cooperation in the new era, released by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of 2022, China has provided approximately 11,000 government scholarships to Arab countries since 2013.

According to the data from the Ministry of Education of China, the number of Arab students is increasing by about 1% on an annual basis.

After China’s control over the pandemic and the allowance for students to return and resume the provision of scholarships, it is difficult to obtain accurate statistics on the total number of Arab students in China and the number of students by nationality, due to the different methods of university enrollment.

A student can study at the university by obtaining a scholarship from the Chinese government or their country, or by relying on personal expenses.

After 6 years of Mohammed Al-Bushari’s arrival in China to obtain a doctoral degree from Dalian University of Technology, the young Yemeni now speaks Mandarin fluently. Similarly, Karim from Egypt also speaks Mandarin after 4 years of studying for a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering in China.

The Yemeni nationality is considered to have the largest number of Arab students in China, with the Yemeni cultural attaché in Beijing estimating their number at around 6,000 students, followed by Sudanese and Egyptian nationalities.

In the Gulf region, Saudi Arabia ranks first, where the countries witness growth in commercial and economic relations, followed by Kuwait and Oman, then the United Arab Emirates.

Group of Arab students studying in Chinese universities

Group of Arab students studying in Chinese universities (Aljazeera)

Academic and Financial Reasons

Chinese universities are known for their strong academic programs and advanced research facilities, attracting students increasingly from around the world, including the Arab world.

At the beginning of 2022, 60 Chinese universities rose to international standards according to the QS World University Rankings.

Tsinghua University is considered the best in China, ranking 17th globally according to the Times Higher Education ranking.

This academic motivation was the reason behind Hassan from Egypt choosing to pursue a doctoral degree in China, after obtaining a master’s degree from a French university.

Hassan told Al Jazeera that the majority of high-ranking universities in China require the publication of peer-reviewed research in top scientific journals as a basic requirement for graduation, which reflects on the student’s future career path.

Receiving a fully-funded scholarship from the Chinese government had a positive impact on his decision, but the academic motivation was the foundation.

Ph.D. researcher Mohammed Al-Bushari believes that technological advancements in China and the good infrastructure enhance the choice of studying in China, as they have a positive impact on theoretical study outputs, especially in the fields of engineering and technological sciences.

Al-Bushari explained to Al Jazeera that recognition from several developed countries of Chinese programs enhances academic and professional development prospects after completing the study and working outside China, increasing job competition opportunities.

He added that the cost of living and studying in China is considered lower compared to European countries, the United States, and other East Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea.

This is confirmed by Imad Shahab from Jordan, who arrived to study project management engineering within a scholarship provided by the Chinese government. He added that the educational system in China is a practical and integrated system directed towards application, with the opportunity available for participation in practical application projects.

Wider Opportunities

China is the largest trading partner for Arab countries, with bilateral trade reaching approximately $430 billion in 2022, a historical record.

Many students considering studying in China see it as a valuable opportunity to gain knowledge and insights that will be useful in the future.

According to Global Times, a survey conducted in Dubai in 2023 targeted Arab youth, where 8 out of 10 participants consider China an ally, recording the largest number of participants in this opinion in four years. The Chinese newspaper stated that the survey results indicate an increasingly positive trend in the feelings of Arab youth towards China.

Many students interviewed by Al Jazeera believe that studying the Chinese language or learning it opens the door to a professional future for them inside China or their own countries, with an increase in the broadening and deepening of direct exchanges between China and Arab countries in technology, education, culture, and other fields.

The Chinese government requires students obtaining its scholarship to study Chinese language or specialize in subjects in Chinese.

Meeting of Arab students during vacation days

Meeting of Arab students in China during vacation days (Aljazeera)

Reasonable Costs

Tuition fees vary from one university to another, whether public or private, but the majority of Chinese universities are public, with an average tuition fee ranging between $2,000 and $15,000 per academic year, depending on the field of study. In contrast, the cost in private universities ranges from $25,000 to $50,000 annually.

Compared to some American universities, the average cost of studying ranges between $30,000 and $35,000, in addition to the high cost of living, as published by education service offices.

The Chinese government offers fully-funded scholarships covering tuition, accommodation, and living expenses, in addition to some partial scholarships that cover only tuition costs.

According to the data of the Ministry of Education of China, the country offered approximately 63,000 scholarships to international students until the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, including 11,000 scholarships to Arab students, in addition to around 430,000 self-funded international students studying in China.

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