Houthi Attack on US Destroyer, China Urges Restraint

by Rachel
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Houthi Attack on US Destroyer, China Urges Restraint
The military spokesperson for the Houthi group, Yahya Saree, announced on Wednesday that the group has launched missiles at the US destroyer “USS Gridley” in the Red Sea, hours after the US military announced the downing of a Houthi missile in the region.

In a statement broadcasted on the Houthi-affiliated Al Masirah channel, the spokesperson stated that the group plans to continue targeting US and British warships in the Red Sea in self-defense.

The US Central Command had earlier announced that one of their destroyers had intercepted an anti-ship missile launched by the Houthis from their controlled areas in Yemen towards the Red Sea yesterday, without causing any material or human losses.

Naval Force
These developments come as the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief, Josep Borrell, announced plans to begin the European security force’s operations in the Red Sea on February 17, aimed at protecting ships only and not partaking in attacks against the Houthis.

China has urged all parties to exercise restraint and halt the escalation in the Red Sea, emphasizing the importance of the international waterway and calling for the cessation of civilian ship harassment and respect for Yemen’s sovereignty.

The Chinese spokesperson further called for a ceasefire in Gaza, affirming that ending the war in Gaza would alleviate the situation in the Red Sea. Furthermore, he highlighted the complexity and sensitivity of the situation in the Middle East, linking the tension in the Red Sea to the conflict in Gaza.

The Yemeni Houthi government’s Defense Minister, Mohamed Nasser Al-Atifi, asserted that the Yemeni people will not be deterred by US missiles or internationally banned bombs from fulfilling their religious and ethical duties towards the Palestinian people.

Intelligence Support
In another context, the US Fifth Fleet Commander, Brad Cooper, stated that Iran provides the Houthis with equipment and intelligence support to target the US military.

Cooper, during an exclusive visit to a US Navy covert operations center, mentioned that no one has ever used ballistic missiles against commercial ships, let alone against US naval vessels, making the ongoing conflict exceptionally unique.

It is worth noting that since mid-November, the Houthis have targeted Israeli ships or those heading to Israeli ports in the Red Sea, in an effort to halt the Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip and to facilitate aid delivery.

Tensions in the Red Sea have escalated since the direct targeting of a US ship by the Houthis on January 9th. In response to ship attacks, US and British warplanes have conducted airstrikes on Houthi military sites in various parts of Yemen since January 12th.

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