Essential Tests for Early Cancer Detection

by Rachel
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Regularly, cancer usually does not cause symptoms until the tumor grows significantly, possibly spreading to other organs. It is fortunate that there are tests that can be conducted for early detection of certain types of cancer.

Cervical Cancer

The German Ministry of Health has explained that cervical cancer can be detected through taking a sample from the cervix. Women aged between 20 and 34 should undergo this test, where a sample is taken from the cervix and examined for cell changes, as well as for infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Breast Cancer

The German Ministry of Health recommends that women aged 30 and above should have an annual screening for early detection of breast cancer by a gynecologist, and they should also be taught how to regularly self-examine their breasts at home.

Women aged between 50 and 69 should have a mammogram every two years, where the breasts are examined using X-rays.

Skin Cancer

Men and women starting from the age of 35 should undergo a skin cancer screening every two years. A dermatologist examines the skin on the entire body for any changes.

Colon Cancer

The German Ministry of Health advises men over 50 and women over 55 to undergo colonoscopy for early detection of colon cancer. If the result is normal, colonoscopy can be repeated after at least 10 years.

The ministry also added that early detection of colon cancer can be done through a fecal occult blood test.

Prostate Cancer

Men over 45 years of age should have an annual screening for the reproductive organs and prostate. The examination is done by palpating the prostate through the rectum, and the lymph nodes in this body area are also examined.

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