Israel Fears Possible US Recognition of Palestinian State

by Rachel
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The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv reported today, Friday, that Israel is concerned about a possible American recognition of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This comes amidst increasing US criticism of Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the issue of detainees and the possibility of achieving the goal of eliminating the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, as well as the continued high civilian casualties.

The newspaper quoted Israeli political sources expressing concern about the intensified activity of the US administration in promoting the idea of establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza under a unified government led by what is known as a renewed Palestinian Authority.

According to the newspaper, the US State Department is considering recognizing a Palestinian state as part of a comprehensive political initiative related to what it calls the “day after Hamas rule” in Gaza, as reported by American sources.

The newspaper emphasized that the issue of recognizing the Palestinian state was raised during discussions held by Secretary of State Antony Blinken with Israeli officials during his visit to Israel in the past two days.

This step, if taken, was described by the newspaper as a “political tsunami” for the Israeli government.

Palestinian Reforms

An Israeli official told the newspaper that the Americans continue to promote the idea of a renewed Palestinian Authority, noting that the current authority in Ramallah is working on presenting reforms, aligning with US demands to prove that it has indeed become an entity that fulfills the definition of a “renewed authority.”

The official added that Palestinian reforms include changes within the government, altering the nature of the security apparatus management, with talks of a new professional technocratic government.

US and European Agenda

The newspaper also cited Israeli sources stating that the issue of the Palestinian state has recently taken a prominent place on the political agenda of the Middle East, promoted by both Americans and Europeans, gaining momentum.

It is no coincidence that a series of Western leaders have recently declared their support for the establishment of a Palestinian state, including leaders considered right-wing and most supportive of Israel, such as Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

The newspaper mentioned that Blinken recently instructed his office staff to prepare an organized plan for the possibility of American or international recognition of a Palestinian state unilaterally, and not through negotiations with Israel or Israeli consent.

It is worth noting that successive US administrations have rejected recognizing a Palestinian state, linking it to the Palestinians and Israelis reaching an agreement on the state.

Washington has also opposed granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations, thwarting Palestinian requests for membership through the UN Security Council, with the latest being in 2011.

However, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated at the end of last January that the US is seeking to establish an independent Palestinian state with security guarantees for Israel, affirming that US President Joe Biden believes this is the best way to ensure peace and security for Israel, the Palestinians, and the region as a whole.

US-Israeli Disagreements

In this regard, the British Financial Times pointed out that the deep divisions between Washington and Tel Aviv became more apparent during Blinken’s recent visit.

The newspaper added that separate press conferences held by both Netanyahu and Blinken revealed their disagreements, explaining that the disagreements include issues related to the post-war phase and ways to secure the release of detainees held by Hamas.

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