Can Mental Fitness Decide the White House Race?

by Rachel
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The mental abilities, age factor, and memory have taken a prominent place in the presidential campaign in the United States, after a report revealed that President Joe Biden is facing memory-related issues.

Former President Donald Trump accused both Biden and Republican Nikki Haley of lacking the mental capacity to hold the presidential office.

Haley claimed that Trump suffers from mental decline, stating that he is too old to be fit for the presidency.

Haley will face Trump in the upcoming primary elections in South Carolina on February 24th to secure the Republican nomination for the next presidential elections.

The issue of mental fitness has become a prominent topic in this year’s presidential campaign. Biden (81 years old) and Trump (77 years old) are the oldest men to have been elected consecutively to the presidency.

In a poll conducted in September, 77% of participants agreed that Biden is unfit for the presidency due to his age, while 56% said the same about Trump.

Haley (52 years old) called for mental fitness tests for presidential candidates over the age of 75.

Trump, aged 77, has many questioning his mental capabilities

Memory Weakness in the Elderly

Last Thursday, a report from a special advisor to the Department of Justice stated that Biden has a weak memory, bringing the issue back to the forefront.

Special investigator Robert Hoar stated in his report that he chose not to press criminal charges against Biden after a 15-month investigation into his handling of classified documents “due to the president’s cooperation.”

Hoar believed it would be difficult to convict the current Democratic president. He described him as a “well-intentioned elderly man with a weak memory” who couldn’t remember his son Beau Biden’s date of death when questioned by investigators.

During a rally in Conway, South Carolina, Trump said Hoar’s report showed that Biden is “unfit to serve as our top leader.”

In response, Biden angrily denied Hoar’s allegations regarding his memory, stating at the White House, “My memory is fine.”

The White House continued its comprehensive attack on Trump regarding his age and mental capacity after Trump recently confused several names and had verbal slips.

Biden’s spokesperson, T.J. Declow, stated, “Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth, he is confused or unhinged or lying or worse.”

Nikki Haley launched an attack on Trump and Biden, accusing them of being unfit to lead America

Unfit Minds

Trump is nearing winning the Republican nomination, with the possibility of competing again with Biden for the presidency in the upcoming November elections.

Trump described Haley – his former UN ambassador – as a “dimwit” and “brain-dead,” suggesting she lacks the mental capacity to enter the White House.

Haley, in turn, referred to Biden as “unqualified” and also cited Trump’s recent speech where he mixed her up with former Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Haley told reporters, “It’s bigger than just Joe Biden. And whether Donald Trump is the one who mixed me up with Nancy Pelosi… the time has come for a new leader.”

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