How to Administer Nasal Drops to a Child

by Rachel
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The Chamber of Pharmacists in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt explained how to administer nasal drops to a child for treatment. It was stated that the nasal drop should be placed for the child while lying on their back. It should be clarified that the drop should be placed in one of the nostrils, then the child’s head should be slightly rotated to the chosen side, followed by repeating these steps with the other nostril. This way, the drop reaches the upper nasal pathways more effectively.

Each member of the family should use their own nasal drop to prevent the transmission of disease-causing agents from one person to another. Once the child recovers, the open container should be disposed of.

On the other hand, the Chamber of Pharmacists warned parents against using nasal spray intended for adults to treat nasal congestion in children because the dosage of active ingredients in adult nasal spray is too strong for children.

The Chamber explained that it is preferable to use saline nasal drops to treat nasal congestion in children, taking into account consulting with a doctor or pharmacist regarding the appropriate dosage for the child’s age.

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