Canadian PM Condemns Assault on Cambridge Islamic Center

by Rachel
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau strongly condemned the acts of vandalism against the Islamic Center in Cambridge, affirming his solidarity with the Muslim communities against this hatred.

Trudeau stated in a tweet on the X site, “The rising rates of Islamophobia across the country are concerning, abhorrent, and unacceptable. We must confront and combat Islamophobia together.”

Waterloo police are investigating hate-motivated writings on the walls of the Islamic Center in Cambridge. The police received a report last Monday indicating the presence of inscriptions on the walls of the center located on Dunbar Road.

The center announced that this is the first time such hate-motivated crimes have been witnessed since its establishment in 1989.

In January 2023, Canada appointed its first Special Representative for Combatting Islamophobia, a position created after a series of recent attacks targeting Muslims in the country.

At that time, a statement issued by the office of the Canadian Prime Minister announced that journalist and activist Amira Elghawaby would hold the position “to advocate, advise, and represent to support and enhance the federal government’s efforts in combatting Islamophobia, systemic racism, racial discrimination, and religious intolerance.”

In recent years, a series of deadly attacks have targeted Muslims in Canada. In June 2021, four members of a Muslim family were killed when a person ran them over with his truck in Ontario.

Four years before that, six Muslims were killed, and five were injured in an attack on a mosque in Quebec City.

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