Global Press: Knesset Plans to Ban UNRWA, Israeli Right Seeks Gaza Resettlement

by Rachel
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The global press continues to shed light on the repercussions of the Israeli war on Gaza and the discussions taking place within Israel, as well as the fears of conflict escalation and the onset of a regional war.

The newspaper “Israel Today” reported that the Israeli Knesset is planning to discuss a bill proposed by Knesset member Yulia Malinovski from the “Israel Our Home” bloc, calling for the termination of all relations with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), whether direct or indirect, the prohibition of any of its activities, and the imposition of sanctions on the organization.

The newspaper pointed out that the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Security Committee will discuss this issue on February 20.

Meanwhile, an analysis on the American website “The Monitor” stated that the Israeli far-right is advocating uncompromisingly for the resettlement of settlers in Gaza, adding that the extreme Israeli right, in preparation for the upcoming elections, has already begun a campaign to resettle the Jewish communities that were evacuated during the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

The article also noted that for such a move to take place, the Knesset would need to repeal the Disengagement Plan from Gaza in 2005.

On the other hand, the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” reported that the European Union is considering imposing sanctions on “extremist” settlers in the West Bank following an executive order issued by U.S. President Joe Biden, which included sanctions against four of the settlers in Israel.

The newspaper indicated that the European sanctions are likely to include a ban on entry into the EU and asset freezes, adding that it is unclear whether the countries that have supported Israel since the outbreak of the war will support such a move.

Furthermore, Kamil Ahmed wrote an article in the British newspaper “The Guardian” about the impact of the Israeli war on the history and culture of the Gaza Strip, pointing out the transformation of over 200 culturally and historically significant buildings into ruins, including mosques, cemeteries, and museums.

The writer stated that for the few Palestinians who remained in their homes and the many more who were displaced in the hope of returning, their culture and history have now become memories.

In addition, the French newspaper “Liberation” wrote from Baghdad about the growing mixed feelings among Iraqis regarding regional tension, noting a clear rise in anti-United States sentiment and, at the same time, fear that Iraq might become a battlefield in the future.

The newspaper added that the situation in Gaza is strongly present in the Iraqi street, quoting Iraqis who expressed that the suffering of the Palestinians tears at their hearts.

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