Global Press Netanyahu Breaks All Rules World Struggles to Cope

by Rachel
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The international press has highlighted the attacks carried out by the occupation army on the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, which it described as the last refuge for the displaced, indicating that the world is struggling to deal with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The French newspaper “Le Monde” stated that Rafah, which shelters more than a million displaced people, was subjected to Israeli shelling, leading dozens to be taken to Kuwaiti Hospital in the early hours of Monday, coinciding with the Israeli security forces announcing the release of two detainees in the sector through a military operation.

The British newspaper “Financial Times” stated that the Israeli airstrike on Rafah comes amid growing international fears of a broader military incursion into a city where more than a million displaced people live, with Israeli officials stating that it is the last major population center controlled by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

Increasing tension between Washington and Netanyahu

The newspaper pointed out that Rafah’s fate has recently increased tensions between Netanyahu’s government and the administration of US President Joe Biden.

An article in the “Wall Street Journal” stated that the release of the “hostages” could achieve a local victory for the Israeli Prime Minister in the face of international pressure to end the war amid his disagreement with the United States over expanding military operations in Rafah.

However, the article suggests that the human losses resulting from this operation could also highlight the complexities of a wide-scale operation in the densely populated city.

An article in the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” mentioned that the world is feeling despair towards Netanyahu “except for the new populist and eccentric Argentine president”.

The article stated that some war ministers such as Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot have become frustrated, adding “of course, Joe Biden and the entire US administration and the European Union feel frustrated with Netanyahu”.

Hybrid Creature

The article mentioned that Netanyahu “completely broke the rules of democratic and dictatorial play, becoming a hybrid creature looked upon by the whole world with despair and inability to effectively deal with him”.

In a related matter, “Bloomberg” reported that commercial ships passing through the Red Sea are innovating methods to avoid attacks by the Houthi group in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.

The site reported that a maritime transport company sent a message to the Houthis as the ship approached the strait that all crew members are Muslims.

The Houthi campaign has disrupted global shipping and increased transportation costs, with ships facing rerouting and additional fees for insurance and security.

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