Global Press: US Pressure, Economic Strain Lead Israel to Pull Forces from Gaza

by Rachel
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Global press and Israeli media outlets continue to monitor the developments of the war on Gaza, its implications, and its reflection on both the domestic and international levels. A significant development is the decision of the Israeli occupation army to withdraw several of its brigades from the Gaza Strip, along with the reasoning and motivations behind it.

A report by Time magazine cited a former Israeli security official stating that the adjustment of Israeli forces and the partial withdrawal in the Gaza Strip may result from American pressure. The report highlights that this decision comes just before a visit by U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to the region.

The New York Times linked the partial withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip to the growing economic burdens faced by Israel following continuous mobilization over recent months, and the absence of any prospects to end the war in the near future. The report also referred to experts predicting a contraction in the Israeli economy during 2024.

In this context, the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth deems the Bank of Israel's decision to cut interest rates as "surprising and against expectations," after avoiding such a step in previous years. It viewed the decision as a direct result of the war and the increasing concerns of business leaders about rising inflation amid the tensions imposed by the Houthi actions in the Red Sea.

These tensions led to the United States intervening in the armed conflict in the Red Sea, which, according to The Washington Post, will likely affect the global economy and exacerbate the maritime shipping crisis worldwide. Shipping experts conveyed that the idea of escorting every cargo ship with warships is practically unfeasible.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz, meanwhile, highlighted the destruction caused by Israeli bombs, resulting in the eradication of entire Palestinian families since the start of the war in Gaza. The newspaper reported that approximately 1,800 families lost many members due to continuous bombardment. It then documented the challenging conditions that force most family members in Gaza to live together in a single household.

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