Israeli Government Disputes: Roots, Manifestations, Outcomes

by Rachel
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The recent conflict in Gaza has unveiled multiple layers of disputes within Israeli society, transcending the typical left-right or government-opposition dichotomy. These differences have delved into more profound and explicit forms, revealing both horizontal and vertical societal and political rifts. These divergences extend into what was once considered axiomatic about the land’s value and the Israeli citizen.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, just four days following the Operation Pillar of Defense in early October, attempted to unify the fragmented Israeli society under a single banner geared towards achieving the war’s objectives.

Netanyahu announced that “Israel is engaged in an existential war,” emphasizing unity and the need to rise above internal disagreements. He declared that the definite defeat of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and paralyzing its military capabilities, along with the return of captives, should be a unifying goal for Israel.

Officially, Netanyahu announced the formation of a war council, which included, alongside him, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the leader of the opposition party Blue and White, Benny Gantz. Also included as observers were retired Lieutenant Colonel Gadi Eisenkot and Minister Ron Dermer.

However, this forced, superficial unity, according to many analysts, quickly crumbled as the aggression on Gaza continued and the failure to achieve the war’s stated objectives of destroying Hamas became apparent.

Israel continued to suffer unprecedented losses on political, military, social, and economic levels. Moreover, the country faced accusations at the International Court of Justice in The Hague of committing genocide during the offensive on Gaza, following a lawsuit filed by South Africa.

The disputes were apparent in several situations:

  • Gadi Eisenkot called for the end of self-deception among members, urging the courage to reach a significant deal to return the captives instead of continuing to fight blindly.
  • Minister Benny Gantz appeared in a large demonstration in Tel Aviv 100 days in, criticizing the government’s handling of the Israeli prisoners in Gaza.
  • Netanyahu banned the director of his defense minister’s office from attending a cabinet meeting, which enraged Gallant, who accused Netanyahu of disrupting his work, causing Gallant to withdraw from the meeting for an hour before returning.
  • A verbal clash occurred between Defense Minister Gallant and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.
  • Transport Minister Miri Regev made a stinging mockery of Gallant as he entered a government session.
  • It was revealed that Gallant attempted to storm the prime minister’s office, nearly leading to a physical altercation.
  • The “Walla” Israeli website reported that Netanyahu’s team caught Gallant’s staff recording security meeting proceedings on audio tape.

The roots of the disputes within the Israeli government include:

Netanyahu’s Attempt to Evade Responsibility for Security Failures

Netanyahu intended to project the declaration of war on Gaza as the impetus for Israeli unity, but it inevitably reversed, exacerbating internal conflicts and deepening societal rifts. A tweet by Netanyahu, as the ground operation in Gaza commenced, was seen as an attempt to absolve himself from responsibility for the October security failure. He tried to pin the blame on military and security leadership, claiming he was never warned of Hamas’s intention for warfare. This claim led to Netanyahu deleting the tweet the following morning, admitting, “I was wrong to say what I said, and I apologize,” supporting all security branch leaders.

Personality Clashes between Netanyahu and Gallant

The rifts deepened when Netanyahu prohibited Gallant from meeting with the heads of the Mossad and Shin Bet, both officially under the prime minister’s office. The ongoing tension in war counsel meetings indicated the extreme discord, significantly predating the war. Ensuing events included Netanyahu reducing Gallant’s powers within the Likud party, transferring responsibilities, and curbing Gallant’s influence over an important defense administrative division. Eventually, Gallant was dismissed from his position in March 2023 for supporting protests against judicial system reforms.

Left and Right Divisions

The concepts of right and left in Israel differ from the world norm; those proposing a single state are considered right-wing, while proponents of a two-state solution are deemed left-wing. The war on Gaza has enforced another layer of dissent between these Zionist elements, where the left sanctifies human life, advocating for an end to the war and the return of captives, while the right sanctifies the land, pursuing an agenda that suppresses Palestinians through killing and displacement.

Military Failure Inquiry Committee

Israeli Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi has commissioned an inquiry to examine a series of military and intelligence failures at the onset of the October conflict and during the military operations in the Gaza war. However, no coordination was made with Netanyahu or Gallant regarding this committee, causing discord among Netanyahu’s supporters who are critical of such investigations as they view it as a threat to Netanyahu’s political future.

Israeli Policy towards Gaza Post-War

There is strong opposition within Netanyahu’s coalition government to the US administration’s vision for Gaza post-conflict, which includes calls for Israeli withdrawal, renewed Palestinian Authority leadership, and a united political front between the West Bank and Gaza. Contrastingly, Gallant’s views align more closely with the US administration’s perspective.

Netanyahu’s Alignment with the Far-Right’s Desires

Netanyahu prioritizes maintaining his far-right governmental coalition, thus accommodating the positions of extremist parties, specifically those led by Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

The War’s Outcomes

The incessant rivalry among Israeli leaders, especially between Netanyahu, Gallant, Halevi, and war cabinet minister Benny Gantz, appears to fuel the continuation of the war. No political, social, or economic force of significance in Israel has emerged to challenge this consensus and call for a halt. The voices demanding an end to the conflict remain weak and marginalized.

This translation provides an SEO-friendly adaptation of the original Arabic news article, retaining the integrity and context tailored for English readers without unnecessary additions, disclosures, or attribution to the translation process.

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