Israeli Media: No Chance for Palestinian State Emergence

by Rachel
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Israeli officials and analysts, engaged in discussions on the ramifications of the war on the Gaza Strip, share a consensus in rejecting the formation of a Palestinian state. This stance aligns with that of their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has diverged from the United States’ desire in this matter.

Gideon Saar, a minister in the war council, expressed his opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian state. “A demilitarized Palestinian state is unfeasible unless Israel maintains security control, as it does in the West Bank and intends to do in Gaza,” he stated during a discussion session on Israel’s Channel 14.

Saar further emphasized, “The territories we hand over to the Palestinians will become a base for aggression against Israel.” He revealed that when the decision was made to unite his party, “New Hope,” with the “Blue and White” party led by Benny Gantz, there was a clear agreement to reject the emergence of a Palestinian state.

According to Michael Shemesh, Channel 11’s political affairs correspondent, the Prime Minister is utilizing the narrative of the Palestinian state as a sort of political campaign, confirming that large sectors of Israelis are opposed to the creation of such a state.

Gil Tamary, the international news editor for Channel 13, noted that US President Joe Biden is going over Netanyahu’s head, directly telling the Israeli public, “I offer you a dream plan,” which entails “receiving a significant upfront benefit now and paying the price at some stage in the future.”

Tamary added, “What’s the benefit? Full normalization with Saudi Arabia and six additional Muslim countries, along with an unprecedented security umbrella that Israel would enjoy? The price would be a declaration of intentions that will lead to a future path towards the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state without an army.”

He highlighted that this is what the Americans propose to the Israeli public because they realize Netanyahu is not a partner in this endeavor.

A journalist from Channel 12 opined that even if Gantz (a minister in the war council) were to become Prime Minister, it would be difficult for him to provide the US President with a different response than Netanyahu’s, which is that “the chances of establishing a Palestinian state are null.”

Netanyahu had earlier disclosed that he informed the United States of his opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian state in any post-war scenario in Gaza, contrary to the American desire.

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