New Ennahda Secretary-General to Al Jazeera: Tunisia Faces Real Setback

by Rachel
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**Tunis-** The new Secretary-General of the Ennahda Movement, Ajmi Lourimi, has stated that Tunisia is experiencing a “real setback” due to the deterioration of economic, financial, and social conditions and the marginalization of political parties and civil society organizations. This decline comes after two and a half years since President Kais Saied announced his exceptional measures and began governing the country with substantial powers.

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera Net, Lourimi emphasized that the Ennahda Movement, as part of the opposition against the President, will continue its peaceful actions demanding the release of the detained politicians and the restoration of democracy. He sees the arrests targeting the movement and other opposition parties as “political targeting to cover up the failure in managing the country.”

The following is the text of the interview:

![Demonstration in the capital Tunis in support of Palestine and demanding the release of detained politicians](

A demonstration in the capital Tunis demands the release of detained politicians (Al Jazeera)

* #### How does Ennahda Movement (as part of the opposition) celebrate the 13th anniversary of the Tunisian Revolution?

We are facing a real setback, yet, in my view, the revolutionary zeal endures because there remains a commitment to achieving the goals of the revolution which requires national unity without exclusion. The revolution was a stance against despotism, solitary rule, and marginalization. Following that, Tunisia entered a phase of building democratic structures and political modernity with broad participation.

However, what happened on July 25, 2021 (the date when President Kais Saied announced the exceptional measures) has led the country down the wrong path. The President could have chosen other solutions, but he opted for violating the constitution and overthrowing the legitimacy. Today we see the results through an intensifying crisis, turning into a significant deadlock and deep impasse.

* #### Where are Tunisia’s economic and social conditions heading under President Kais Saied’s rule?

Undoubtedly there is an unprecedented economic, financial, and social crisis, and escaping it is not an easy feat—no individual or entity can single-handedly rectify the conditions, no matter how much power they hold. Thus, a collective national effort is essential, along with relying on our resources and exploiting all available opportunities with friends and partners to lead the country out of the crisis.

* #### However, President Saied’s supporters blame the Ennahda Movement and its ten-year governance for the deteriorating conditions. How do you view this?

Success and failure are relative, and the previous phase in Tunisia was managed collaboratively. Therefore, it is unjust to blame one party alone. It was possible to address the country’s political and economic crisis through changes in the electoral law, constitutional amendments, or a national dialogue to determine priorities and necessary reforms. Has the situation improved now? President Kais Saied has ruled the country with all powers for about two and a half years, but the conditions remain dire.

* #### How do you see the future of multiparty democracy, public freedoms, and democracy in Tunisia?

There is indeed a setback due to the marginalization of political parties, the refusal of intermediary bodies, and the lack of awareness of the invaluable role of political parties and civil society organizations in democratic building. The populist experiment that Tunisia is currently undergoing is merely a phase that the country will surpass once lessons are learned.

* #### What does the arrest campaign against Ennahda Movement’s leader and leading figures symbolize?

This political targeting is intended to reduce the influence and presence of the Ennahda Movement as a political party. This targeting, which includes different components of the opposition, harms the country and its emerging democracy.

* #### Why haven’t the detained politicians been released? What’s the implication of keeping them imprisoned for nearly a year without trial?

All of this is part of an attempt to cover up the failure in managing the state and the handling of the severe crisis that plagues the country.

* #### Is the Ennahda Movement considering participating in the presidential elections expected before the end of 2024?

The reality is that participating in presidential elections is not a priority for the Ennahda Movement. We haven’t decided whether there will be a candidate from within the movement, but frankly, I doubt it. There may be a consensus candidate in the future, but it’s too early to discuss this, as we don’t even know which individuals intend to run or their programs and visions.

* #### What actions are you considering as part of the opposition to defend your presence in the political scene, especially since your party is banned from conducting any activity and its leadership is imprisoned?

Without a doubt, we will continue our peaceful struggle to demand the release of the political detainees, to restore the democratic path, and to contribute to pulling the country out of its crisis.

* #### You have expressed your intention to change the name of the Ennahda Movement. What are the reasons for this, and what is the objective?

The idea of changing the name of the movement isn’t new; it has been discussed in previous movement conferences. The name has significance and relates to the political identity of any political party. If the demands of the next phase necessitate a name change, it is not taboo. The goal is to open up to other components in society and to find common grounds with them.

* #### Some say you seek to change your identity without making revisions or self-criticism. How do you respond to this?

We will not change our identity; rather, we will make the necessary revisions.

* #### Have you abandoned the idea of holding the Ennahda Movement’s conference due to the imprisonment of its figures, or will you proceed with the conference regardless of attendance?

The movement was preparing to organize its eleventh conference with new political content, but this was thwarted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the coup against the constitution on July 25, 2021, and the wave of arrests of its leaders. As soon as the conditions are favorable, we are ready to hold the conference, and the conference documents and resolutions are ready.

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