Qassam Brigades on Tunnel Found in Gaza by Occupiers: You’re Late

by Rachel
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The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), have revealed the truth behind the Israeli occupation's claim of discovering a significant tunnel belonging to the Brigades. They released a video title saying, "You've arrived too late.. the mission has been accomplished."

The video clarifies that the massive tunnel was used only once to carry out the operation "Al-Aqsa Flood" on October 7.

The Qassam stated that this "confirms the double failure of the occupation during the glorious attacks of October 7."

"Failed Achievements"

Within this context, Majed Abu Diak, a writer and political analyst, told Al Jazeera Net that the Israeli army had been trying to present achievements or the image of achievements in the face of the achievements of the Qassam military media, which includes targeting the occupation forces. However, it appears that each time they attempt to broadcast such media messages—whether to reassure their public or to appear successful before the international media—they are met with failure.

The army tried to present an image of liberating its prisoners and failed, attempted it when storming hospitals but failed, and this time tried to present what was considered a significant discovery of a large tunnel at the Erez crossing that separates the Gaza Strip and Israel.

Abu Diak added that the occupation considered this discovery to be a qualitative one against the Palestinian resistance, but it was met with disappointment when the resistance revealed that this tunnel was used only once to breach the Erez barrier during the attacks of October 7, leaving the Qassam Brigades to let the occupation enjoy this achievement for only a few hours.

He said this indicates that the Israeli occupation has thus far failed to present a victorious image to its public or even the global media, and it also demonstrates the success of the Palestinian resistance in media by showing its superiority and progress against the invading occupation. This confirms that there is a double failure of the occupation in predicting the attacks of October 7 and in discovering what was prepared to execute these attacks.

According to the analyst, the failure stems from the fact that the uncovered tunnel is one of dozens prepared to carry out these attacks, indicating that the resistance has used specific tunnels solely for executing these operations, and that these tunnels were no longer needed after "Al-Aqsa Flood" because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of tunnels underground, which the Palestinian resistance can use to carry out operations against the Israeli occupation.

Tunnel Network

The Israeli military had uncovered what it described as a gigantic network of tunnels operated by Mohammed Deif, brother of the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar.

According to the occupation army's statement, one section of the tunnel extends 4 kilometers from the Jabalia area in the north of the Strip to just 400 meters from the Beit Hanoun crossing to the north.

The Israeli military stated that its "Yahalom" unit specializing in infantry and engineering in the Gaza military division conducted exploration operations that enabled it to discover about 4 kilometers of the tunnel pathway at a depth of 50 meters.

The Israeli army released images of Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant inspecting the uncovered tunnel, accompanied by military commanders.

The tunnel contained an extensive network of sub-tunnels and included infrastructure for sewage, electricity, telecommunications, and phones, as well as solid gates designed to prevent military forces' entry, allowing for vehicle movements.

However, military expert Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi told Al Jazeera on Sunday that there is much unclear information regarding the tunnel that the occupation army announced it had discovered.

According to the map published by the occupation – Al-Duwairi adds – only 1300 meters are shown, suggesting that there are 2700 meters inside Gaza or within the Gaza Envelope, i.e., under the settlements.

Al-Duwairi said that had this tunnel connected to the main tunnel network, the occupation would not have announced its discovery at all, as this would conflict with future military benefits.

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