Sinwar: The Living Dead at the Top of the Blacklist

by Rachel
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"They walk the earth as the living dead," this is how the Shin Bet describes Palestinian fighters and the targeted elite of Hamas leadership!

Sky News, in its conversation with the spokesperson of the Israel Defense Forces, Jonathan Conricus, confirmed that Hamas leaders, who have been repeatedly targeted by the Mossad, are still alive. At the top of the list are Sinwar and Deif, public enemy number one, who have been dubbed the "masterminds" behind the events of October 7th. The term circulates parrot-fashion in the Western media, but what does it signify? Is it a derogation or a commendation?

The Zionist media, akin to the devil, when fails to permeate the conscience of the world, resort to Western media to brainwash – literally 'wash the brains' – of people through an incendiary narrative that dehumanizes Muslims and Palestinians with systematic propaganda. This spans from the base to the apex of the "hierarchy of hate," where racist sentiments form the foundational base and ethnic cleansing perches at its pinnacle.

Islam, the West, and the Sorcery of Mirrors!

The Orientalist-recycled Arab thinks that those who believe in conspiracy theories are delusional and distrustful of anything Western. However, the war against an entire people in Gaza exposes the conspiracy lab in the Western mindset, obsessed with fabrications, and shames the hypocritical; they witness how the West uses the same stereotypical narratives about Islam to terrorize the world and lure it into a new Crusade that justifies genocide, as happened with Saddam Hussein and Sultan Abdul Hamid II among others.

We are all targeted and used, and our target board is our Islam – the creed of virtue that gave us precedence among nations. This ignited the malice that a spark of modern civilization has enflamed, distorting virtue and glamorizing vice, fighting Islam as the core of the two biggest threats to civilization: ignorance, backwardness, terrorism, and extremism. Subsequently, the West parodies Islam to hide its ugliness and uses it as a mirror to hide from its own distorted face.

The conspiratorial Western mind created a fantastical "terrorist mind" to unload its venom, turning it into a cultural explosive device threatening humanity's security. By this, the West ascribes the actual conspiratorial role – which its mastermind performs – to the "fictitious mastermind" it invented. Will you play along with the liar, swear him in, or believe his lie that even he does not believe?

Typically, the "mastermind" theory is applied to geniuses, great figures, and heroic icons in the West, where 'Mastermind' is a term of praise. But when the need arises to create a new hypothetical enemy fitting the blacklist, the Western media rush to brandish "the mastermind" as a scarecrow terrifying the masses of a Muslim, Arab, or Palestinian terrorist danger; such a sick and disordered civilization indeed conceives and executes conspiracies in the full view of the world, then punishes and accuses you of insanity and terrorism if you question or deny the plot!

Western media employ psychology as a shamanic ritual, showing you your reflection in your enemy's mirror and your enemy's reflection in yours, applying the theory to a thing and its antithesis simultaneously. The indicators of your enemy's brilliance are used by the enemy as indicators of your danger, turning their criminals into heroes and your heroes into criminals; "dressing truth with falsehood and vice versa," thus comes the duplicity of standards.

Dire circumstances have turned Western greats into saints in their peoples' memories, so why should the suffering of our heroes become a subject for mockery and distortion!

What does Western Double Standards Mean?

Fasten your seatbelt, Reader… The non-condemnation of Sinwar represents a flagrant deviation from the unifying context of the (Free World Nation)!

Arab normalizers find themselves in a curious contradiction while they boast about their normalization, spreading -defamatory- information, betraying Sinwar as an agent for the Israeli left! So do you argue with the fool in his folly only for him to deem himself wiser than you?

Normalization and compliance are two realms that never meet. Whoever is forced to live with an enemy to the point of attachment must devise ways to manage this attachment without contradicting their animosity toward the enemy… like resisting its existence within you by separating from it. These are philosophical tactics only understood by those accustomed to walking the wise prophetic path, which views war as subterfuge. So then, how is duplicity understood?

Firstly, Western media describe Sinwar as the (butcher of Khan Yunis who never smiles, he established "Al-Majd" Force to clamp down on spies with an iron fist).

Where is the fault? Does not any great leader punish traitors and agents? How do they distort the honorable task of leadership customs? Do you not see that every time they turn virtue into vice, they become more distorted?

Secondly, Michael Milstein, a military intelligence officer, said, "We never understood him at all; he presented us with a charismatic picture of a man of few words but strong presence." "Abu Ibrahim," according to the Financial Times – the commander of Hamas prisoners in jails – holds an influential position within the movement's hierarchy, a trusted and legendary figure to Palestinians who take pride in him, but moderate Palestinians know that he has taken us back to the Stone Age.

Aren't these traits of an exceptional personality? Where is the terrorism in being perceived as trustworthy? Can you sense their admiration for him? But what is his truth that they have obscured from us? Is it that he is a source of pride for his people?

Of course, from their point of view, this is a crime; because the rational Palestinian sentiments they glorify are those that despise the hero, and look at the language they fight you with, for (Stone Age) symbolizes Islam; therefore, (the moderates) are not Islamic!

Thirdly: The conspiratorial mentality inflates details with inverse and illogical interpretations. The refugee is a victim of occupation and its transfer policy, but "The Jewish Chronicle" considers refuge a sin and Sinwar's sole responsibility, going so far as to taunt him with his imprisonment, poverty, and contentment with little. Then they spread rumors about Sinwar having money in French banks that decide to freeze his funds as a punitive measure, oh the horror!

Dire circumstances have turned Western greats into saints in their peoples' memories, so why should the suffering of our heroes become a subject for mockery and distortion!

Toraic Consequences and Blacklist

As a human being, you have the right to respect your freedom fighters and to reject being deprived of this right; otherwise, you'll remain naked in front of their arbitrary narrative, exposed in the scoring board, not allowed to prove your innocence from your enemy's crime: (the conspiratorial mind)!

Your enemy won't be pleased with you, even if you condemn yourself. What more could he want than to dilute you while even forbidding you from remaining neutral? Since he doesn't care if his truth is exposed, why does he lie then?

It's a creed of evil that they impose by force, turning crime into a civilizing mission, elevating you from a terrorist to a normalizer, and an heir to your invaders who you adopt their denouncements of your heroes and thank them for your defamation… This is how they use you to become the enemy of yourself and your prey!

The New York Times and France 24 depict the occupation as merciful: "They performed surgery on Sinwar and treated him in prison where he learned Hebrew, read works by the earliest Zionists, and started wearing button-up shirts"… Is the misfortune so laughable to this extent?

The West shows the occupation as beneficent rather than criminal, citing Sinwar's statements to the Western press – in which he said that war is not in anyone's interest – to prove that imprisonment is a deserved punishment for Palestinians and is deterrent, transforming a terrorist into an advocate for a truce.

And since the occupation has granted work permits in Israel to certain spies who drew the maps for paratroopers' infiltration into the envelope, after a long disappearance truce of Sinwar – deceptively and time gaining – benefiting from Qatari aids to build an Islamic Palestine, this is an explicit admission of their failure and incitement that makes coexistence with Palestinians a crime against themselves, thus stripping the Palestinian of their existential reasons, which necessitates killing and annihilating them everywhere… Oh God!

They declare: (We must atone for this serious intelligence error that humiliated Israel, and any appearance of moderation sounds ludicrous; the consequences will be Toraic, and Sinwar will not surrender, he will die there in Gaza).

The blacklist that will befall the Toraic punishment "Ezekiel 9: 5-7", also includes "Deif" – nicknamed the son of death – then Ismail Haniyeh, and Marwan Issa, the shadow man and right-hand of Deif – a prime target for the Shin Bet's tracking unit (Nili) established after October 7th – and Saleh al-Arouri who the US offers 5 million dollars for information about… And Khaled Meshaal remains on the list of (the living dead), as referred to by Israel's Defense Minister (Yoav Gallant).

The war is ideological, and as a resister, you are annihilated, punished, and subjected to the most abhorrent forms of racism and distortion; because you possess the qualities of resurrection and life. What terrifies your enemy is that you are a man of renaissance and immortality. So, how can one who sees you as the living dead, incapable of dying or being recycled, expect to defeat you?

Your enemy intended harm when considering you "the mastermind" and "the living dead" but his insult turned into praise for you; he knows you well, knows you're a danger to him; because you are the antithesis of his evil… He has not succeeded in turning you into a sick, obsessed victim of your tormentor. Your steadfastness nullified his fake, distorted science when you created your own sane, healthy psychological logic as a strong victim that forced the tormentor to impersonate it to the point of obsession.

Thus, the men of resistance became their enemy's dilemma; they defeated his creed and trapped him in his conspiratorial mind, turning his evil back on him… They live expecting their death without waiting for it… They go towards it not because it is their goal, but because they are vital targets for life!

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