Skin dryness can often result from poor nutrition and a deficiency in certain vitamins, reports the Federal Centre for Nutrition in Germany. To combat this, one should consider incorporating foods rich in Vitamin B2, such as meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes into their diet.
The Centre further adds that skin dryness can also be due to a lack of:
Vitamin C, which can be addressed by including vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli, lemons, and oranges in your meals.
Vitamin D, which can be countered by consuming foods abundant in Vitamin D like egg yolks and oily fish such as salmon and herring.
Vitamin E, which can be obtained by eating foods like nuts, flax seeds, and olive oil that are high in this nutrient.
- Deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids, for which dietary sources include flax seeds and oily fish such as salmon, herring, tuna, and mackerel.
Zinc deficiency is also a common cause of skin dryness, with dietary sources comprising fish, shellfish, nuts, grains, and legumes.
Additionally, dehydration can lead to dry skin, which can be alleviated by ensuring an adequate intake of fluids—at least 1.5 liters daily—with a preference for mineral water and unsweetened herbal teas.