Song of the Sylphs

by sophia
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In the realm where silence cloaks the skies,
Murmurs stir in the dawn’s soft sighs.
A gentle hum, a whispering breeze,
Heralds of sylphs o’er emerald seas.
They weave through the ether with grace,
Spinning tales in an aerial space,
A fantastical chorus of delicate tones—
Behold the sylphs on their zephyr thrones.

Whispers upon the Dawning Light

So listen close to the morning’s song,
Where sylphs dance the sunbeams along.
Invisible to the waking eye,
Yet their presence is a constant lullaby.
With gossamer wings, unseen but felt,
Just where the edge of dreaming dwelt,
Their music soars with the rustling leaves,
In the sweet embrace of the dawn’s first heaves.

The Sylphs’ Fantasia

The symphony swells o’er verdant plains,
A silver purge of the nocturnal stains.
Each note a brush upon canvas sky,
Pain their ballad of a minor sigh.
With tales spun from glistening dew,
The sylphs paint the world anew,
Each wingbeat distills the night’s old fears,
Into sparkling drops, morning’s tears.

Waltz of the Zephyr

To dance upon the air they rise,
Enchanting souls through a serene disguise.
A waltz that weaves through cloud and mist,
Paper boats in a foggy tryst.
Entwined are they with the breezes’ flow,
In a ritual as old as the winds that blow.
Amidst the leaves that clap in chime,
The sylphs indulge in their dance divine.

Echoes of the Ether

The echo of their passage through time,
A thread that binds in subtle rhyme.
From their breath, the whirlwinds obey,
To the tender gusts that coax the day.
They carol through the treetops high,
Where the nests of dawn’s first sparrows lie.
In each refrain, the day’s birthright,
The sylphs do sculpt with softest might.

Cascade of Serenity

Amidst the canvas vast, unseen,
They pour their hearts into nature’s sheen.
A waterfall of celestial calm,
A healing touch in their psalm.
Each whisper carries seeds of peace,
On winds that never seem to cease.
Their airy forms may touch no ground,
But in their sighs, solace is found.

Luminous Nocturne

As dusk embraces the day’s weary end,
The sylphs’ song does gently bend.
To twilight hues, they lend their hues,
A canvas painted in vespertine blues.
Their lullabies cushion evening’s fall,
Guiding night’s curtain over all.
In the last glimpse of departing light,
They recede into the custody of night.

Spirits Undying

These celestial kin, so light and frail,
In their song, no sorrow or travail.
In every breeze, their voices are sown,
The sylphs’ eternal symphony, eternally blown.
Theirs is the anthem of air and sky,
The breath of the world, a boundless high.
Daughters and sons of the winds unfurled,
In their whispers, the secrets of the world.

The Dimensional Serenade

Through time’s vast web, they eternally weave,
Discord and harmony they both conceive.
On wings of gossamer, they ply their tune,
In a choir that sways the sun and moon.
The sylphs, in their unending muse,
Bestow upon the cosmos, the spectral hues.
They sing of realms beyond our ken,
In the Song of the Sylphs without an end.

Air-like Conclusion

As the symphony fades in the waning day,
The sylphs’ echoes drift away.
But their music lives in the memory of the air,
A silent reminder that they were there.
Their stories linger, sweet and free,
In the breath of each leaf, the sigh of the sea.
In the dance of a butterfly’s silent drift,
Resides the Song of the Sylphs, the airborn gift.


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