Washington Limits Military Aid to Israel and Other Nations

by Rachel
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President Joe Biden issued a presidential memorandum demanding foreign governments receiving weapons from Washington to provide written assurances of compliance with international and U.S. law.

The presidential memo instructed the Secretaries of State and Defense to provide regular reports to Congress for meaningful oversight of the arms supplied by the U.S. to foreign governments.

The presidential memo also stipulates that the Secretaries of State and Defense are responsible for ensuring all American weapons are used in a manner consistent with all international laws, including international humanitarian law and human rights law.

Furthermore, the Secretaries of State and Defense must ensure that all American weapons are used in a manner that aligns with U.S. law and policy.

The memo also mentioned that countries not adhering to the assurances could have American weapons exports to them halted.

Additionally, the Secretary of State or Defense must notify the President within 45 days of countries not complying with the assurances and provide appropriate steps for assessing the situation.

Senator Elizabeth Warren stated that Biden’s presidential memo imposes conditions on aid to Israel and all countries receiving American military assistance.

Warren added that she collaborated with the White House and colleagues to enhance the protection of civilians and hold the Israeli government accountable to international law.

This development comes as Israel wages a devastating war on Gaza, resulting in tens of thousands of civilian casualties, mostly children and women, alongside an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and massive infrastructural damage, leading Tel Aviv to face trial at the International Criminal Court for the first time in its history.

In a surprise address from the White House on Wednesday evening, Biden remarked that Israel’s response behavior in Gaza had crossed a line, making unprecedented criticisms of Israeli behavior. He further noted that he is working towards achieving a sustainable ceasefire.

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