Who Wants War in the Region?

by Rachel
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After the attack on the US base in Jordan, the risks of regional war have risen once again. Pressures on the Biden administration from factions seeking to strike Iran have heightened significantly. Influential figures such as Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn have publicly advocated for striking Iran, exerting pressure on the Biden administration. Subsequently, the US administration held Iran responsible for the attack and declared its intention to retaliate.

The prevailing consensus is that there is intense pressure on the Biden administration from factions advocating for war with Iran. America’s actions have been characterized as unrealistic due to the loss of its strategic mindset and traditional political behavior. The influence of evangelical Christian groups within the Pentagon, the State Department, and the White House has resulted in a “theopolitical” approach that serves the interests of Israel.

The powerful arms lobby in the US, which significantly influences media and the economy, has been actively promoting arms sales to the region. As tensions escalate, this industry stands to benefit immensely from increased weapon exports to countries in the region.

The convergence of interests between the Jewish lobby, evangelical groups, and the arms lobby has created an extremely precarious situation. Anticipating a response to the attack, it is likely that the US will target Iranian-linked groups in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon. However, in the absence of rational decision-making, the ramifications of these actions should not be underestimated.

The prospect of the US striking Iran poses significant risks, as it could lead to Israel’s involvement in the war. While Arab countries may refrain from direct participation due to their aversion to Iran, the potential response from China and Russia, who could potentially exploit the situation to undermine the US, is a cause for concern. Israel, in this scenario, could suffer substantial damage.

The growing threat of war in the region is a cause for alarm, particularly considering the potential wider geopolitical implications.

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