Zambia Receives 1.4M Cholera Vaccine Doses Amid Outbreak

by Rachel
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Yesterday, Zambia announced that it has received 1.4 million doses of an oral cholera vaccine amidst the spread of the waterborne disease within the southern African nation, following the outbreak’s onset in October of last year.

The United Nations has approved a donation of 1.7 million doses of the oral vaccine to help combat the outbreak, which has claimed the lives of 365 individuals to date, according to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health.

On Sunday alone, Zambia reported 418 new cases and 12 deaths – numbers described as “horrific” by Health Minister Sylvia Masebo.

The resumption of school and university studies, previously scheduled for January 8th, has been postponed to January 29th as the government continues its efforts to combat the disease.

The cholera outbreak has affected 9 out of the country’s 10 provinces.

During the vaccine delivery in Lusaka on Monday morning, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Sisi Pankey, stated that the organization is actively working with the government in Zambia.

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